Artist Of The Week
We challenged ourselves to avoid settling, knowing we had to push even harder. Each new piece of material had to surpass the last. It's always our aim. These tracks delve deep into vocals and melodies, weaving a narrative. Given our limited timeframe for each song creation, our collaborative efforts are relentless. The entire band is fully engaged, spending entire days in the studio using Presonus Studio One to meticulously craft each song and its structure. With half the band in Chicago and the other half in Tampa, files shuttle back and forth, incorporating creative ideas until the song structure solidifies. Then, it's studio time. Despite the intensity, modern technology makes it manageable. Eager to evolve, we've embraced fresh techniques, exploring alternate tunings and even incorporating different guitar and midi techniques. We've also ventured into guitar harmonies and synths, avoiding repetition. Each new track surprises our audience, reminding us of their passionate loyalty, which we cherish as an honor.
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